Paul S. Lou


Hi! I'm Paul. I'm a final-year Ph.D. student at UCLA working with Amit Sahai. I'm interested broadly in cryptography. My primary research goal is understanding and using new sources of hardness to construct fundamental cryptographic primitives such as public-key encryption. I also actively work on zero-knowledge proof systems, information-theoretic cryptography, and quantum algorithms.

Previously, I finished my undergraduate degrees majoring in computer science, mathematics, and statistics at the University of Pennsylvania where I was fortunate to work with Nadia Heninger.

CV (Last updated: December 2024)


Authors are listed by alphabetical order.



Reviewer for Journal of Cryptology. External reviewer for CRYPTO 2022, TCC 2023, Eurocrypt 2024, STOC 2024, IEEE S&P 2024, TCC 2024, Eurocrypt 2025, STOC 2025. Program Committee (PC) member for Oakland 2023 Posters Program.


CS-289: Advanced Topics in Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)

Spring 2023, Co-lead instructor, UCLA.

CS-181: Formal Languages and Automata

Winter 2021, Winter 2022, Winter 2024, TA, UCLA.

CIS-556: Cryptography (Graduate-level)

Fall 2018, TA, UPenn.

CIS-548: Operating Systems (Graduate-level)

Spring 2018, TA, UPenn.

CIS-380: Operating Systems

Fall 2017, TA, UPenn.
Fall 2018, Head TA, UPenn

CIS-262: Theory of Computation

Fall 2016, TA, UPenn.

Contact me!

You can contact me by email: pslou [AT] cs [DOT] ucla [DOT] edu.